Adapted from the NVZ Action Programme Regulations 2008.

Table 6.1. Typical volumes of excreta produced by housed pigs per week

Pig type (per animal) Typical volume of slurry/manure (m3/week)
1 sow place (including litter up to 7kg) fed on a diet supplemented with synthetic amino acids 0.08
1 sow place (including litter up to 7kg) fed on a diet without synthetic amino acids 0.08
1 maiden gilt place 0.04
1 breeding boar (66kg to 150kg) 0.04
1 breeding boar (over 150kg) 0.06
1 weaner place (7 to 13 kg) 0.01
1 weaner place (13 to 31 kg) 0.01
1 grower place (31 to 66 kg) (dry fed) 0.03
1 grower place (31 to 66 kg) (liquid fed) 0.05
1 finisher place (66 kg to slaughter) (dry fed) 0.04
1 finisher place (66 kg to slaughter) (liquid fed) 0.07

Table 6.2. Typical values of total NPK and available PK in pig slurry and manure

    Total nutrients Available nutrients
Pig % dry matter N P2O5 K2O P2O5 K2O
Slurry (kg/m3) 4 3.6 1.8 2.4 0.9 2.2
Fresh manure (kg/tonne) 25 7 6 8 3.6 7.2

Table 6.3. Typical volumes of poultry manure produced per 1000 birds per week

Poultry type Volume per poultry type per week (tonnes)
1000 laying chickens up to 17 weeks 0.28
1000 laying chickens (caged) over 17 weeks 0.84
1000 laying chickens (free range) over 17 weeks 0.64
1000 broiler chickens (table) 0.42
1000 broiler chickens (breeder) up to 25 weeks 0.28
1000 broiler chickens (breeder) 25 weeks and over 0.84
1000 turkeys (male) 1.12
1000 turkeys (female) 0.84
1000 ducks 0.70

Table 6.4 Typical values of total NPK and available PK contained in poultry manure

    Total nutrients Available nutrients
Poultry % dry matter N P2O5 K2O P2O5 K2O
Layer 35 19 14 9.5 8.4 8.6
Broiler/turkey litter 60 30 25 18 15 16.2

This information is updated and abridged from The 4 Point Plan (2003)


The 4 Point Plan (4PP)

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