Autumn 24 Newsletter Newsletter
Risk Assessments for Manures & Slurries
Alex Pirie, SAC Consulting
A Risk Assessment for Manures and Slurries (RAMS) is an essential tool for Scottish farmers,…

Autumn 24 Newsletter Newsletter
The Scottish Voluntary Initiative Champion Network
John Flanagan, NFUS and Neal Evans, Voluntary Initiative
The Voluntary Initiative (VI) is a UK-wide industry-led organisation that was set up to promote…

Autumn 24 Newsletter Newsletter
Winter planning on arable farms
Freya Lance, SAC Consulting
What can Arable Farmers do now to succeed in the spring? Just about now the…

Autumn 24 Newsletter Newsletter
Why is it important to reduce clean water entering into slurry stores?
Sarah Cowie & Tracey Roan, NFU Scotland
With ever more volatile winter rain, problems around increased rainfall and slurry storage are quickly…