A meandering river with riparian trees planted along the riverbank.

Natural Flood Management Podcast

Riverbank Stabilisation – what do you need to do?

Riverbank stabilisation features can been a key solution to protecting riverbanks and safeguarding key agricultural land.

In this podcast episode we chat with Helen Reid, Senior Hydromorphologist from SEPA and Alex…

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A soil sampling bag being filled by two people's hands - one person's hand is holding the bag open and the other gloved hand is pushing soil off a soil auger into the bag.


Organic matter – why is it important?

Organic matter, why is it important, what benefits does it bring to the soil? In this podcast we discuss organic matter, from what it is, to the benefits that can be gained from improving the quantity in your soil.

Organic matter, why is it important, what benefits does it bring to the soil? In…

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Magic Margins – helping maintain soil on farm

In this podcast we chat to David Boldrin from JHI about how magic margins can be used to help reduce diffuse pollution on farm and help maintain soil on farm.

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A shed roof with weeds growing out of blocked guttering


Reduce, reuse, recycle: clean and dirty water on farm

In this podcast Jackie McColm and Robert Ramsay discuss managing water on farm. Looking at ways and methods farmers can reduce clean water entering slurry storage tanks, therefore, increasing capacity and leading to cost savings.


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A rural scene with a loch in the background, and in the foreground a mobile sheep dipper parked in front of pens of sheep with farm vehicles parked nearby. Photo is Photo supplied by and copyright registered to ©Neil Fell https://mobilesheepdipping.co.uk/

Podcast Sheep dip

Environmental and animal welfare considerations of dealing with sheep scab

This podcast focuses on how farmers can manage sheep scab. In particular discussing what farmers need to be aware of and the rules and regulations that need to be followed when managing sheep dip from animal welfare, to environmental regulation. Photo credit: ©Neil Fell


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Digestate on Scottish Farms with Audrey Litterick

This podcasts discusses the current digestate market within Scotland, looking at how digestate can be utilised on farm.

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Digestate on Scottish Farms – a farmers’ perspective

This podcasts discusses, with farmer William Rose from Mid Coul Farm, the practicality of using digestate on farm.

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Riparian Planting for land management

Riparian Planting can offer vast benefits to improving water quality and easing land management. In this podcast we examine the benefits of these woodland, looking at funding streams available to discussing the great array of benefits that Riparian woodlands provide with SEPA, Scottish Forestry and SAC Consulting.

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Working with SEPA to manage water flow on farm

In this Alasdair Matheson and Graeme Henderson from SEPA, along with Peter Lindsay, from SAC Consulting, discuss how land managers can work with SEPA to manage water flow on farm. The focus is on what farmers can do with regard to ditches, drainage and dredging on farm and they discuss the rules and guidelines which must be followed.

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An establishing arable crop with a large gully carved into the soil from heavy rainfall, causing severe soil erosion.


Protecting and enhancing soils on farm

In this podcast we discuss what ‘good’ soil health is and how farmers can enhance and protect this resource for viable businesses, retaining and improving soil on farm.


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Managing Water on Farm – From Drought to Flooding.

From drought to extreme flooding this podcast discusses trends and on the ground experience farmers have faced during extreme weather events. We explore ways farmers can prepare and mitigate changing weather patterns to improve business resilience

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Compliance – Know the rules

In this episode we are discussing compliance with Stephen Field from SEPA and Alexander Pirie from SAC Consulting. We focus on general binding rules and other helpful tips to ensure that farmers can remain compliant and protect the water environment.

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Improving soil management on the Balcaskie Estate

Listen to steps taken by Balcaskie Estate Manager Sam Parsons and how he has introduced mob grazing to the benefit of both livestock production and soil management.

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Slurry Store Stories

In this episode we are discussing slurry stores with Stephen Field from SEPA and Cara Campbell from SAC Consulting. Looking at regulations and options of slurry stores available for farmers. Through discussion we focus on what farmers need to do to manage and store slurry on farm.

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Managing water on the steading

Pete wright from SEPA discusses the importance of managing water on the steading with Dr Bill Crooks, soils and drainage specialist from SAC consulting. Bill talks about the importance of having the right management and procedures in place so that you reduce the risk of pollution from the steading but also reduce the amount of unwanted water finding its way into storage systems.

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