What is diffuse pollution?

Diffuse pollution can come from several sources, for example nutrients, dung, chemicals or soil washed by rainfall into surrounding watercourses. These inputs can all affect biodiversity and water quality leading to:

• excessive aquatic plant growth;

• reduced oxygen levels for fish and other aquatic wildlife;

• reduced habitat for invertebrates;

• reduced amenity value for you and local community;

• increased risk of equine health and welfare problems.

Many routine practices can increase pollution risk, including:

• run-off from poorly constructed or located yard dung heap;

• poor management of dung around yards and stables;

• poaching and soil erosion around gates, riverbanks and at drinking points;

• over-grazing leading to soil erosion;

• chemical drips and spills during horse grooming and other routine maintenance jobs;

• soaking or steaming hay to remove dust;

Carefully choosing where to locate muck heaps and managing surface water runoff will not only reduce the pollution risk but will also reduce the number of places where insects such as midges can breed. These insects can spread serious diseases such as West Nile Fever and African Horse Sickness as well as causing problems such as sweet itch.

Diffuse pollution; potential problems and solutions

What can you do?

Assess your holding to identify potential risks to the water environment; it may be useful to sketch a map and highlight any problem areas. Consider the best options to deal with the risks and then develop and implement an action plan to deal with the issues found.

We all share and benefit from Scotland’s water environment. Please help us to protect our water environment and demonstrate how equine owners are acting responsibly. Thank you for taking the time to read this information.

Further information

The British Horse Society Scotland – Equine welfare and stable management advice, and information on the UK’s only livery approval scheme: www.bhs.org.uk or www.bhs.org.uk/horse-care-and-welfare/

CAR – A Practical Guide – Detailed information on regulations to prevent diffuse pollution from rural activities.

Farming and Water Scotland – Practical ideas to reduce diffuse pollution risks from farming activities.


NetRegs – Up-to-date advice on environmental regulations for small and medium size businesses: www.netregs.org.uk

Pasture Management – The British Horse Society


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