Everyone involved in the use of pesticides on a farm or holding must have adequate training in the safe, efficient use and disposal of pesticides – including emergency action in the event of spillages. Competence in the use of pesticides is a statutory requirement.
All individuals who use plant protection products authorised for professional use must hold a CRD recognised certificate of competence. Ongoing training may be required.
All pesticide uses must comply with Official Controls (Plant Protection Products) Regulations 2020 and register as a professional. For more please visit the HSE Register work involving pesticides webpage.
Significant water pollution can result from the mishandling of pesticides at the handling and washdown area. Extreme caution and care needs to be when mixing and preparing pesticides. By ensuring that the measures below are carried out you can reduce the likelihood of leakage or spillage into the water environment.
Handling and mixing
- Identify any risk/vulnerable areas on your farm and avoid siting the handling facility within 10 metres of them.
- Create a concrete washdown and handling area where all drainage can be collected and treated within a biobed treatment facility.
- Only handle in fields with soil depth of more than 60 cm.
- Ensure that you are 10 metres from any water course or drain.
- Ensure that you are 50 metres from any well or spring used for drinking water.
- Avoid handling pesticides in compacted or areas heavily trafficked by machinery.
- Ensure that the area minimises the volume of rain that is collected as this will increase the volume of material that you will have to manage safely.
- Install drip trays, spill sumps and spill kits to offer further security to contain accidental spillage.
- Avoid area with people or livestock frequent.
Washdown in field
- Only handle in fields with soil depth of more than 60 cm.
- Ensure that you are 10 metres from any water course or drain.
- Ensure that you are 50 metres from any well or spring used for drinking water.
- Use drip trays, spill sumps and spill kits to offer further security to contain accidental spillage.
- Avoid areas which people or livestock frequent.
Washdown at the steading
- Do not handle pesticides on impermeable ground where the runoff is not managed appropriately.
- Ensure that you are 10 metres from any water course or drain.
- Ensure that you are 50 metres from any well or spring used for drinking water.
- Avoid area with people or livestock frequent.
- Ensure that the area minimises the volume of rain that is collected as this will increase the volume of material that you will have to manage safely.
- Install drip trays, spill sumps and spill kits to offer further security to contain accidental spillage.
- https://www.gov.scot/policies/agriculture-and-the-environment/pesticides/
- https://www.gov.scot/publications/pesticides-code-practice-using-plant-protection-products-scotland/
- http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2012/1657/pdfs/uksi_20121657_en.pdf
- http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2009:309:0071:0086:EN:PDF
- https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5a7c0154e5274a7318b90733/pb13894-nap-pesticides-20130226.pdf
- https://amenityforum.co.uk/
- https://www.netregs.org.uk/environmental-topics/materials-fuels-and-equipment/materials-and-equipment-for-agriculture-animal-care/spraying-pesticides/
- https://www.netregs.org.uk/legislation/scotland-environmental-legislation/current-legislation/pesticides-and-biocides/
- https://www.fas.scot/environment/water-management/pesticide-management/pesticides-records/
- https://www.farmingandwaterscotland.org/arable/pesticides/
- https://www.farmingandwaterscotland.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/KTR12Pesticides.pdf
- https://www.bcpc.org/product/uk-pesticide-guide-2024
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