Learn moreThe 4 Point Plan
The 4 Point PlanWoodlands for Water
Hear from two Ayrshire farmers how the Forestry Grant Scheme helped them get more from…
Fighting Bank Erosion with Willow Spiling
Learn more about willow spiling and how it can help prevent riverbank erosion.
Scotland’s Farm Advisory Service Video
Water is the most valuable resource on your farm and the impacts that climate change…
Riparian Planting for land management
Riparian Planting can offer vast benefits to improving water quality and easing land management. In this podcast we examine the benefits of these woodland, looking at funding streams available to discussing the great array of benefits that Riparian woodlands provide with SEPA, Scottish Forestry and SAC Consulting.
Working with SEPA to manage water flow on farm
In this Alasdair Matheson and Graeme Henderson from SEPA, along with Peter Lindsay, from SAC Consulting, discuss how land managers can work with SEPA to manage water flow on farm. The focus is on what farmers can do with regard to ditches, drainage and dredging on farm and they discuss the rules and guidelines which must be followed.
Protecting and enhancing soils on farm
In this podcast we discuss what ‘good’ soil health is and how farmers can enhance and protect this resource for viable businesses, retaining and improving soil on farm.